Many chemicals sold in commercial stores are not only harsh on finishes but build up waxy residues over time making your products harder to clean and filmy over time. All you need is a damp wash rag and a little TLC! For extra grimy build up you can add a small dot of blue dawn dish soap to your damp rag but make sure to wipe off with a clean rag to avoid sud marks. Never saturate your finished products in water or chemicals, damp only and wipe dry after for best results!
All of our coatings we use are industrial products that meet the AWI Standards for finishes. That being said, neither product is better or worse than the other for durability or longevity. We may recommend different sheens or additional coats for high traffic areas but both options will stand the test of time with proper maintenance and care.
You certainly can DIY or hire a house painter for cheap but as the saying goes "You get what you pay for". We are a third generation family owned and ran company that has been operating for 50 years. Prefinish is what we specialize in and what we master. We follow all manufacturer specs to protect your warranties, we meet all AWI standards to ensure you are receiving the most protective finish for your product, and we only use the best low HAPS, low VOC industrial coatings for the job at hand. W
We follow all manufacturer guidelines to ensure the finish you pay for follows the expectations of their warranty program. With that being said though, it is always important to make sure you know EXACTLY what guidelines you should be following before purchasing a door. More often than not, we see door failure before we ever see finish failure which is why it is important to protect yourself and make sure that you are buying the correct door for the correct exposure. Some guidelines to look for:
Most wood doors sold today are not rated for direct weather exposure. Without the proper overhang (per your manufacturer) or if your door is expected to get wet under normal weather circumstances you may be voiding your door warranty.
If your door is receiving direct sunlight (sunrise or sunset) most door manufacturers will void warranty for dark colors. Whether you stain OR paint your door, it is not recommended to use any dark colors (especially Black) because it will soak in the heat and cause your door to expand and swell more than it should. This same guideline applies to fiberglass and steel doors alongside wood doors.
We never recommend leaving one side of your door unfinished, even if it IS on the interior side. Moisture can be passed through both sides of the door and leaving your door unfinished is leaving it unprotected. Make sure you are also aware of how you store your door before you install it. Doors should be protected in a covered, dry area such as inside your house or inside a well sealed garage. If you install your door unfinished or store it in a wet space for 72 hours or longer you may void your
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
Door Failure due to weather exposure